The convection (transport) equation

Please choose the discretization method:
Friedrichs method
Lax-Wendroff method

Choose the initial value on the x-axis:
h(x)=0 for x < 0 and x > 1,
h(x)=sin(π*x)4 otherwise.
Input of an initial function h(x)
as u(x,0).
Please type the formula (only this, for example sign(1.d0,x)) in the following input field using Fortran- conventions: The formula may extend over up to three lines. You may use as constants pi=π, e=exp(1) and sqrt2=21/2, but no other variables than x.
h(x) =

Please enter a here
a= Important: a >= 0 !

Specify xend and n
Important: there must hold xend > 1.0e-6 and n <= 2000
n =   δx=xend/n
Specify tend and m.
Important: there must hold tend > 1.0e-6
m =   δt=tend/m

Please specify the resolution of the plotted grid:
You will see gridx gridlines in x-direction and gridt gridlines in t-direction. Important: 3 <= gridx,gridt <= 200
gridx =
gridt =

For defining your view point please specify the rotation angles for the x-axis and the u-axis.
Important : 0 <= xang <= 180, 0 <= uang <= 360
(in degrees)!
For xang = 0 the x-axis is horizontally on the screen and the t-axis vertical on the screen. For uang=0 the u-axis is vertical to the screen, hence you look down vertically on the surface u=u(x,y).

Click on "evaluate", in order to submit your input.

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