Please choose a case: u in C4 on [0,1]x[0,1] h2 convergence u in C2 on [0,1]x[0,1] and C3 on ]0,1[x]0,1[ Convergence is slower Userdefined, Exact solution unknown. Please specify the the load function f here as a formula (for example 1+x**2+y**2) following Fortran- conventions: The formula may extend over three lines and may make use of the constants pi, e=exp(1) and sqrt2=sqrt(2), but the variables must be named x and y. f(x,y) = Please specify the type of boundary conditions on the four edges: At least on one edge you must specify Dirichlet data. Dirichlet on x = a von Neumann on x = a Dirichlet on x = b von Neumann on x = b Dirichlet on y = c von Neumann on y = c Dirichlet on y = d von Neumann on y = d And here you specify the functions delivering the boundary values, again as formulas following the same rules as for f. the function for x=a: phi0(x,y) = the function for x=b: phi1(x,y) = the function for y=c: psi0(x,y) = the function for y=d: psi1(x,y) = Please specify lambda here: lambda = Important : lambda <= 0 ! And here the data defining the rectangle [a,b]x[c,d]: a = b = c = d =
Please specify the number n of subintervals of [a,b] resp. m of [c,d]. This results in n deltax=(b-a)/n and deltay=(d-c)/m.
Click on "evaluate", in order to submit your input.