specify the dimension y=(y(1),...,y(n))T n = Important: 1 <= n <= 10!
Specify the functions f1,...,fn which make up the right hand side of the ode y' = f(t,y), f = (f1,...,fn)T. They must have the structure fi = fi(t,y(1),...,y(n)). You must obey the FORTRAN conventions. If for example n = 1 and the ode reads y'=y2+t then you write here: f(1)=y(1)**2 + t (remember the leading 6 blanks!) (y(1) denotes the first component of y.) You might use here variables i,j,k (e.g. for loops or counting), the logicals bool1, bool2 , bool3, a vector of 100 components v(.) , the variables h1,h2,h3,h4 (e.g. for intermediate calculations) which all are initialized with zero resp. false and the constants pi, e, sqrt2 (with their mathematical meaning). f(1)=-4.d0*y(1)+y(1)*y(2)*0.1d0+3.d0*y(2) f(2)=1.d0*y(1)-2.d0*y(2)-0.1d0*y(1)*y(2)+0.1d0
Specify the integration interval:
Specify the initial values for y This is a list of n numbers, separated by blank or comma. 1.0, -4.0
Select two components of y for plotting: index1=index2=1 is allowed
select the integrator
should the automatic stepsize selection be used?
Select the value smally an: smally = Important: smally > 0 !
select the maximum allowed stepsize hmax: hmax =
specify the number of subintervals which must be processed separately (length is a+i*(b-a)/num) an: 1 <= num <= 100. 1 means there are no fixed intermediate grid points.
Warning!!! - This may take some time.
Click on "evaluate", in order to submit your input.