Bending of a bar

directly to the input form: predefined cases

directly to the input form: user defined case

  • A bar of length one is supported by an elastic underground with spring constant c and supports a load p, nonnegative of course. Its material properties are given by the stiffness coefficient, i.e. elasticity modulus times area inertia IE, strictly positive. Its deformation y is given by the principle of minimizing the sum of potential and kinetic energy, this is the sum
    01( (1/2)(IE(x)y''(x)2+c(x)y(x)2)+p(x)y(x))dx .
    By means of variational analysis one arrives at a boundary problem of a fourth order differential equation. With no further conditions on the support one gets the natural boundary conditions y''(0)=y'''(0)=y''(1)=y'''(1)=0 given below under position 3. This requires c > 0 on an interval of nonzero length in [0,1]. We also consider the case of fixing the bar at its ends, which allows for c=0. The variable x denotes the center line of the bar. The differential equation reads
    (-IE(x)y''(x))'' - c(x)y(x) = p(x), 0 <= x <= 1 .
  • 4 correctly formulated boundary conditions make this problem uniquely solvable. The cases implemented here are the following
    1. y(0) = y'(0) = 0 and y(1) =y'(1) = 0 , (the bar is fixed at both ends, for example in a wall)
    2. y(0) = y'(0) = 0 and y''(1) = y'''(1) = 0 ( the bar is fixed with zero slope on the left end and on the right it is supported free of moments.)
    3. y''(0) = y'''(0) = 0 and y''(1) = y'''(1) = 0 (the bar is supported free of moments at both ends. These are the natural boundary conditions for this case.)
      In this case c must be strictly positive (on a set of nonzero measure, strictly speaking), otherwise the problem is not well defined.
  • We solve this problem by a method of finite differences.
    We do not differentiate the above explicitly to obtain a fourth order differential equation, but rather use two steps: with
    v(x) = IE(x)y''(x)

    we first use the formula of order 2:
    v''(xi) = (1/h2)(v(xi+1)-2v(xi)+v(xi-1)) - (1/12)h2v(4)(xi)+O(h4)
    and then we substitute the same formula for y''(xj), j=i-1,i,i+1 and get
    (IE(x)y''(x))''x=xj = (1/h4)( IE(xj-1)yj-2-2(IE(xj-1)+IE(xj))yj-1

    The matrix part obtained this way is symmetric.
    In order to implement the boundary conditions in a simple way we use an equidistant grid which is shifted to the left by half the grid size. Depending on the boundary conditions we use on the left and the right one or two fictitious points. Hence we use grid points xi=(i-1/2)*h, i=(-1),0,...,n+1,(n+2) with h=1/n. There are n interior points with the numbers 1 ,..,n. We approximate the boundary conditions as
    1. y1 + y0 =0, y0 - y1 =0
      leading to y0 = y1 = 0 and
      yn+1 + yn =0, yn+1 - yn =0
      leading to yn+1 = yn = 0.
    2. y1 + y0 =0, y0 - y1 =0,
      (difference and midvalue at x=0 are zero, both y1,y0 are zero) and
      yn+2-2yn+1+yn=0 , yn+1-2yn+yn-1=0 ,
      that means that the second order approximations for y'' at 1-h/2 and 1+h/2 are both zero and hence their midvalue and their difference i.e. y'' and y''' at x=1 too.
    3. y1-2y0+y-1 = 0 , y2-2y1+y0 = 0
      yn+2-2yn+1+yn=0 , yn+1-2yn+yn-1=0 .
  • This results in a linear system of equations with a banded structure with 5 diagonals. A typical row for the interior nodes with numbers 2 to n-1 and constant IE is
    -(1/h4)IE ( 0,....,0,1,-4,6,-4,1,0,.....0) - (0,....,0,c(xi),0,...,0).
    The boundary conditions add two blocks two rows each on the top and the bottom of this structure. For the conditions ''free of support'' we use the discretization of the ode also at the nodes 0 and n+1 in order to get the necessary additional equations for the additional unknowns. The matrix has a condition number of O(n4).
  • The linear system is then solved by a special solver for banded matrices using the lu decomposition with column pivoting. The inverse of the matrix is componentwise positive and bounded independend of n. We make no use of the possible simplifications by eliminating some of the variables at the boundaries but solve the system always as one in n+2, n+3 , n+4 unknowns.
  • The method is of order 2, that means that the error is of the form
    e(x)*h2 (plus higher order terms)
    with a smooth function e(x). By varying n and thereby h you can study this. This however assumes that the solution y is six times continuously differentiable.
  • For larger n rounding errors in the linear systems solver may show up disastrous effects and it makes little sense to decrease the stepsize below the fourth root of the machine precision. Hence other solution methods using two second order equations instead are often advocated for.


  • there are two different input forms, one with predefined cases and one where you define the problem functions yourself: predefined or user defined .
  • If you use the predefined cases then you select the load case and a constant for c only. In the user defined case you first specify the three coefficient functions:
    IE(x) , c(x) and the load function p(x).
    These can specified as pieces of code with the input variable x. This must follow the FORTRAN conventions. For the predefined cases the true solution is known analytically which allows you to test the true approximation error.
  • you specify the case of the boundary conditions.
  • you specify n.
  • you select whether to see a printed table of the discrete solution or not to see that. The table might be useful if you apply several values for n and want to check the development of error at a specific coordinate.


  • you get a plot with the load function p and the approximated solution y.
  • In the predefined cases, where the true solution is known, you also get a plot of the error yh(x) - y(x).
  • If required, the table of the discrete solution.


  • Can the theoretical result concerning the order of convergence be verified?
  • If you take n really large, which additional effect must be taken into account?
  • Why is it important that the inverse of the matrix is componentwise positive? Think about the role of the load!

to the input form: predefined cases

to the input form: user defined case

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